> Brendan McPhillips (ゲストブロガー)

著者アーカイブ: Brendan McPhillips (ゲストブロガー)

Brendan McPhillips – Director and Data Security & Governance Lead at Asystec has worked in the IT industry for 25+ 年. McPhillips has gained experience from his roles as pre-sales consultant, Sales Account Manager and Sales Manager in companies across UK&私. He currently focuses on the Data Security and Governance market, specifically around securing data, reducing risk, highlighting breaches and addressing compliance requirements. His wins include many banks, government bodies, 製造, 保険, online gambling and airline industries to name a few. He holds his current position of Data Security & Governance Lead in Asystec Limited for 6years+


新しい一般データ保護規則 (GDPR) ブレグジットに直面して

新しい一般データ保護規則 (GDPR) 12月にEUを通過 2015, 5月25日にすべての加盟国で発効します 2018, しかし、英国は3月までに欧州連合を離脱する予定です。 2019 そこの…

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